Student Management System Project (C Language)

Student Managment System SMS, developed using c language to store information of students. This project is ideal for beginners and learners. The SMS project cover functionalities of add, edit, delete, find, update results, list students. Moreover, in this project, we use mouse pointer in DOS mode.
This project can improve understanding of mouse operation. For storing information, we use binary File as a database that can clear your vague concepts of file operation structure and Link List. Let’s start with the declaration.
Student Management System Include header file and global declarations:
Include the following header files:
//========================== Including Header Files====================// #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> #include<string.h> #include<dos.h> #include<stdlib.h> #include<alloc.h>
Global Variables for Mouse pointer:
//============= Variable For Mouse x,y Coordinets, Buttons Value====// int mx, my, mouse_button,mouse_button2, maxx, maxy ;
In order to store coordinates of mouse pointer we use mx and my variable. To store responses of mouse buttons we are using mouse_button for left click and mouse_button2 for right click. The variables maxx and maxy are used for storing maximum resolution fo your screen.
Definitions of database structure for this projects:
Generally, the database in C is handled by File and Link list. Here we declare the Structure which would store to a binary or regular file.
//----------------------- define structure for this project---------------// struct main { char regn[10],name[50],f_name[50],address[100],course[10],doa[10]; }; struct result { int m1,m2,m3,m4,total; char regn[10],grade[2]; }; struct link_main { char lmregn[10],lmname[50],lmf_name[50],lmaddress[100],lmcourse[10],lmdoa[10]; struct link_main *next; }; struct link_result // Define link list Structure for deleting or editing// { int lrm1,lrm2,lrm3,lrm4,lrtotal; // members// char lrregn[10],lrgrade[2]; // ,, // struct link_result *next; //linking address for next node// }; typedef struct main m; //Declear typedef of structure// typedef struct result r; typedef struct link_main lm; typedef struct link_result lr; long int size1=sizeof(m); //declear size of structure// long int size2=sizeof(r); FILE *f1,*f2; //declear file stream for opening files//
Function Prototypes used in SMS:
Function Prototype which would use to perform the various operation.
//============== Define function Prototype for this project=========// void add(); // Function 1 for add a record// void edit(); // Function 2 for edit a record// void find(); // Function 3 for find a record from database// void delet(); // Function 4 for delete a recor from datanase// void marks(); // Function 5 for adding marks of students// void form1(void); // Function 6 For Display Front Page // void help(void); // Function 7 For Display Help File // void list (void); // Function 8 For Display All Student In List Format// void result(void); // Function 9 For Display All Result Of Student With Registration No. //
#Main function:
We all know that the only main function executes at the time of execution.
//================== Main Function Starts Here===================/ void main() { char c; clrscr(); // Clearing The Screen // load_mousedriver(); // Loading Mouse Driver// reset_mouse(); // Reseting Mouse On Screen // window(0,0,600,400); textmode(C4350); f1=fopen("c:\\student/main.dat","r"); // Open Main File In Read Mode // if (f1==NULL) // Checking database if avalible of not// { printf("Your data base not exit are you must create it prese any key to continue"); getch(); clrscr(); mkdir("c:\\student"); f2=fopen("c:\\student/main.dat","wb"); // Creating Main database for application// fclose(f2); f2=fopen("C:\\student//result.dat","wb"); // Creating Result Database For This Application // fclose(f2); fclose(f1); f1=fopen("c:\\student/help","wb"); f2=fopen("help","rb"); while(feof(f2)==0) //=== Writeing Help File==// { c=getc(f2); putc(c,f1); } printf("You must restart your application press any key to continue....."); getch(); _exit(0); // Exit From Application // } form1(); // Calling Function 6 // }
#Function for adding record:
//========================= Program For Adding A New Record==========// void add() { m a,b; int flag; flag=0; f1=fopen("c:\\student/main.dat","ab"); if(f1==NULL) { printf("File can not open an error occored press any key to continue..."); getch(); exit(0); } f2=fopen("C:\\student/main.dat","rb"); if(f2==NULL) { printf("File can not open.Make sure your database is correpted press any key to continue..."); getch(); exit(0); } clrscr(); gotoxy(30,3);printf("Form for new student"); gotoxy(30,4);printf("--------------------") ; gotoxy(5,6); printf("Enter Student Registration no:-");scanf("%s",&b.regn); while(fread(&a,size1,1,f2)==1) { if(strcmp(a.regn,b.regn)==0) flag=1; } if(flag==0) { gotoxy(5,8); printf("Enter Student Name :-");fflush(stdin);gets(; gotoxy(5,10);printf("Enter Ntudent Fathers Name :-");fflush(stdin);gets(b.f_name); gotoxy(5,12);printf("Enter Student Address :-");fflush(stdin);gets(b.address); gotoxy(5,14);printf("Enter Course name :-");fflush(stdin);gets(b.course); gotoxy(5,16);printf("Enter Date Of Admission :-");fflush(stdin);gets(b.doa); fwrite(&b,size1,1,f1); fclose(f1); fclose(f2); } else { gotoxy(5,16);printf("This Regestration Number Already Exist Press Any Key To Continue...."); getch(); } form1(); }
#Function for edit an existing record:
void edit() { m a,b; // Declearing Structure Type Variable // r a1,b1; // ,, // lm *s,*p,*n; // Declearing Pointer Type Variable // lr *m,*w,*k; char reg[10],op; char newe[100]; int flag; s=p=n=NULL; flag=0; clrscr(); gotoxy(25,1);printf("-----------------------------------"); gotoxy(24,2);printf("| Edit Profile Of A Student |"); gotoxy(25,3);printf("-----------------------------------"); f1=fopen("c:\\student/main.dat","rb"); if (f1==NULL){printf("Databse not exist");getch();exit(0);} gotoxy(5,6);printf("| Enter Reg No Of Student :-");fflush(stdin);gets(reg); while(fread(&a,size1,1,f1)==1) { n=(lm*)malloc(sizeof(lm)); strcpy(n->lmregn,a.regn); strcpy(n->lmname,; strcpy(n->lmf_name,a.f_name); strcpy(n->lmaddress,a.address); strcpy(n->lmcourse,a.course); strcpy(n->lmdoa,a.doa); n->next=NULL; if (s==NULL) { s=n; } else { for(p=s;p->next!=NULL;p=p->next);p->next=n; } } fclose(f1); f1=fopen("c:\\student/main.dat","rb"); while(fread(&a,size1,1,f1)==1) { if(strcmp(a.regn,reg)==0) { gotoxy(5,5);printf("| |"); gotoxy(5,7);printf("| |"); gotoxy(5,8);printf("| |"); gotoxy(5,9);printf("| |"); gotoxy(5,10);printf("| |"); gotoxy(5,11);printf("| |"); gotoxy(5,4);printf("|-----------------------------Details------------------------------"); gotoxy(5,7);printf("| Student Name :- %s",; gotoxy(5,8);printf("| Student Father`s Name :- %s",a.f_name); gotoxy(5,9);printf("| Student Address :- %s",a.address); gotoxy(5,10);printf("| Course :- %s",a.course); gotoxy(5,11);printf("| Date of Addmission :- %s",a.doa); gotoxy(5,12);printf("|-----------------------------------------------------------------"); } else { // gotoxy(5,9);printf("Record Was Not Found"); } } gotoxy(5,13);printf("|--------------------------Choose Any Option----------------------"); gotoxy(5,15);printf("| Edit Name Press A |"); gotoxy(5,16);printf("| Edit Father Name Press B |"); gotoxy(5,17);printf("| Edit Address Press C |"); gotoxy(5,18);printf("| Edit Course Press D |"); gotoxy(5,19);printf("| Edit Date Of Add Press E |"); gotoxy(5,20);printf("|-----------------------------------------------------------------|"); gotoxy(40,19);printf(" | Type your option:- "); fflush(stdin);scanf("%c",&op); for(p=s;p!=NULL;p=p->next) { if(strcmp(p->lmregn,reg)==0) { if (op=='A'||op=='a') { gotoxy(5,22);printf("Enter New Name :-");fflush(stdin);gets(newe); strcpy(p->lmname,newe); flag=0; break; } else if(op=='b'||op=='B') { gotoxy(5,22);printf("Enter New Father Name :-");fflush(stdin);gets(newe); strcpy(p->lmf_name,newe); flag=0; break; } else if(op=='c'||op=='C') { gotoxy(5,22);printf("Enter New Address :-");fflush(stdin);gets(newe); strcpy(p->lmaddress,newe); flag=0; break; } else if(op=='d'||op=='D') { gotoxy(5,22);printf("Enter New Course :-");fflush(stdin);gets(newe); strcpy(p->lmcourse,newe); flag=0; break; } else if (op=='e'||op=='E') { gotoxy(5,22);printf("Enter New Date of Addmission :-");fflush(stdin);gets(newe); strcpy(p->lmdoa,newe); flag=0; break; } else { flag=2; break; } } else { flag=1; } } if(flag==1) { for(p=s;p!=NULL;p=p->next) { free(p); } gotoxy(20,25);printf("The Record was not found press any key to continue..");getch(); } else if(flag==2) { for(p=s;p!=NULL;p=p->next) { free(p); } gotoxy(20,25);printf("You have enter wrong option press any key to continue ..");getch(); } else { f2=fopen("c:\\student/main.dat","wb"); for(p=s;p!=NULL;p=p->next) { strcpy(b.regn,p->lmregn); strcpy(,p->lmname); strcpy(b.f_name,p->lmf_name); strcpy(b.address,p->lmaddress); strcpy(b.course,p->lmcourse); strcpy(b.doa,p->lmdoa); fwrite(&b,size1,1,f2); free(p); } fclose(f2); } getch(); form1(); }
#Function for finding a record from file or database:
void find() { int flag=0; char rn[10]; m b; r c; clrscr(); gotoxy(5,6);printf("Enter Registration No ");fflush(stdin);scanf("%s",&rn);fflush(stdin); f1=fopen("c:\\student/main.dat","rb"); while(fread(&b,size1,1,f1)==1) { if(strcmp(b.regn,rn)==0) { flag=0; clrscr(); gotoxy(30,2);printf("|-------------------|"); gotoxy(30,3);printf("| Student Details |"); gotoxy(30,4);printf("|-------------------|") ; gotoxy(5,6); printf("Student Registration no :-%s",b.regn); gotoxy(5,8); printf("Student Name :-%s",; gotoxy(5,10);printf("Student Fathers Name :-%s",b.f_name); gotoxy(5,12);printf("Student Address :-%s",b.address); gotoxy(5,14);printf("Course name :-%s",b.course); gotoxy(5,16);printf("Date Of Admission :-%s",b.doa); break; } else { flag=1; } } fclose(f1); f2=fopen("c:\\student/result.dat","rb"); while (fread(&c,size2,1,f2)==1) { if(strcmp(c.regn,rn)==0) { gotoxy(1,17);printf("|----------------------------------------------------------|"); gotoxy(1,16);printf(" M1 Marks M2 Marks M3 Marks M4 Marks "); gotoxy(1,18);printf("| %d",c.m1); gotoxy(16,18);printf("| %d",c.m2); gotoxy(32,18);printf("| %d",c.m3); gotoxy(48,18);printf("| %d",c.m4); gotoxy(1,19);printf("|----------------------------------------------------------|"); gotoxy(5,21);printf("TOTAL MARKS:-%d",; fflush(stdin); gotoxy(25,21);printf("GRADE:-%s",c.grade); fclose(f2); getch(); break; } else { flag=2; } } fclose(f1); if(flag==1) { gotoxy(5,16);printf("This Record Is Not Fond Press Any Key To Continue.."); getch(); } else if(flag==2) { gotoxy(5,16);printf("Marks Of This Student Not Found Any Key To Continue.."); getch(); } }
#Function for deleting a record:
void delet() { m a,b; r c,d; lm *s,*p,*n; lr *m,*t,*k; char reg[10],op; char newe[100]; int flag,flag1; s=p=n=NULL; m=t=k=NULL; flag=flag1=0; clrscr(); gotoxy(25,1);printf("-----------------------------------"); gotoxy(24,2);printf("| Deleting Of A Student Profile |"); gotoxy(25,3);printf("-----------------------------------"); f1=fopen("c:\\student/main.dat","rb"); if (f1==NULL){printf("Databse not exist");getch();exit(0);} gotoxy(5,6);printf("| Enter Reg No Of Student :-");fflush(stdin);scanf("%s",®); while(fread(&a,size1,1,f1)==1) { n=(lm*)malloc(sizeof(lm)); strcpy(n->lmregn,a.regn); strcpy(n->lmname,; strcpy(n->lmf_name,a.f_name); strcpy(n->lmaddress,a.address); strcpy(n->lmcourse,a.course); strcpy(n->lmdoa,a.doa); n->next=NULL; if (s==NULL) { s=n; } else { for(p=s;p->next!=NULL;p=p->next);p->next=n; } } fclose(f1); f2=fopen("c:\\student/result.dat","rb"); while(fread(&c,size2,1,f2)==1) { k=(lr*)malloc(sizeof(lr)); strcpy(k->lrregn,c.regn); k->lrm1=c.m1; k->lrm2=c.m2; k->lrm3=c.m3; k->lrm4=c.m4; k->; strcpy(k->lrgrade,c.grade); k->next=NULL; if (m==NULL) { m=k; } else { for(t=m;t->next!=NULL;t=t->next);t->next=k; } } fclose(f2); f1=fopen("c:\\student/main.dat","rb"); while(fread(&a,size1,1,f1)==1) { if(strcmp(a.regn,reg)==0) { flag=0; gotoxy(5,5);printf("| |"); gotoxy(5,7);printf("| |"); gotoxy(5,8);printf("| |"); gotoxy(5,9);printf("| |"); gotoxy(5,10);printf("| |"); gotoxy(5,11);printf("| |"); gotoxy(5,4);printf("|-----------------------------Details-----------------------------|"); gotoxy(5,7);printf("| Student Name :- %s",; gotoxy(5,8);printf("| Student Father`s Name :- %s",a.f_name); gotoxy(5,9);printf("| Student Address :- %s",a.address); gotoxy(5,10);printf("| Course :- %s",a.course); gotoxy(5,11);printf("| Date of Addmission :- %s",a.doa); gotoxy(5,12);printf("|-----------------------------------------------------------------|"); break; } else { flag=2; } } fclose(f1); f2=fopen("c:\\student/result.dat","rb"); while (fread(&c,size2,1,f2)==1) { if(strcmp(c.regn,reg)==0) { flag1=0; gotoxy(5,17);printf("|----------------------------------------------------------|"); gotoxy(5,16);printf(" M1 Marks M2 Marks M3 Marks M4 Marks "); gotoxy(5,18);printf("| %d",c.m1); gotoxy(21,18);printf("| %d",c.m2); gotoxy(37,18);printf("| %d",c.m3); gotoxy(53,18);printf("| %d |",c.m4); gotoxy(5,19);printf("|----------------------------------------------------------|"); gotoxy(5,21);printf("TOTAL MARKS:-%d",; fflush(stdin); gotoxy(25,21);printf("GRADE:-%s",c.grade); fclose(f2); break; } else { flag1=2; } } fclose(f2); if (flag==2){gotoxy(10,30);printf("This Ren No Not Found Press Any Key To Continue");getch();goto end;} if (flag1==1){gotoxy(5,21);printf("The Marks Of This Student Not Exist");} gotoxy(5,23);printf("Are You Sure Delete This Record?(Y/N)");fflush(stdin);op=getch(); if (op=='Y'||op=='y') { if(strcmp(s->lmregn,reg)==0) { flag=1; n=s->next; free(s); s=n; } else { for (p=s;p->next!=NULL;p=p->next) { if(strcmp(p->lmregn,reg)==0) { flag=1; n=p->next->next; free(p->next); p->next=n; } } } if(strcmp(m->lrregn,reg)==0) { flag1=1; k=m->next; free(m); m=k; } else { for (t=m;t->next!=NULL;t=t->next) { if(strcmp(t->lrregn,reg)==0) { flag1=1; k=t->next->next; free(t->next); t->next=k; } } } } else { gotoxy(10,30);printf("Record Was Not Deleted");getch(); } if (flag==1) { f2=fopen("c:\\student/main.dat","wb"); for(p=s;p!=NULL;p=p->next) { strcpy(b.regn,p->lmregn); strcpy(,p->lmname); strcpy(b.f_name,p->lmf_name); strcpy(b.address,p->lmaddress); strcpy(b.course,p->lmcourse); strcpy(b.doa,p->lmdoa); fwrite(&b,size1,1,f2); free(p); } fclose(f2); } else { for(p=s;p!=NULL;p=p->next) { free(p); } } if (flag1==1) { fclose(f2); f2=fopen("c:\\student/result.dat","wb"); for(t=m;t!=NULL;t=t->next) { strcpy(d.regn,t->lrregn); d.m1=t->lrm1; d.m2=t->lrm2; d.m3=t->lrm3; d.m4=t->lrm4;>lrtotal; strcpy(d.grade,t->lrgrade); fwrite(&d,size2,1,f2); free(t); } fclose(f2); } else { for(t=m;t!=NULL;t=t->next) { free(t); } } end: form1(); }
#Function for entering marks of students:
void marks() { m a,b; r c,d; int flag,tot,s1,s2,s3,s4,t1; char reg[10],g[2]; flag=0; tot=s1=s2=s3=s4=t1=0; f1=fopen("c:\\student/result.dat","rb"); if(f1==NULL) { printf("File can not open an error occored press any key to continue..."); getch(); fclose(f1); exit(0); } f2=fopen("C:\\student/main.dat","rb"); if(f2==NULL) { printf("File can not open.Make sure your database is correpted press any key to continue..."); getch(); fclose(f1); exit(0); } clrscr(); gotoxy(20,3);printf("Form for Marks Entry Of A Student"); gotoxy(20,4);printf("---------------------------------") ; gotoxy(5,6); printf("Enter Student Registration no:-");fflush(stdin);gets(reg); while(fread(&a,size1,1,f2)==1) { if(strcmp(a.regn,reg)==0) { flag=1; break; } } while(fread(&c,size2,1,f1)==1) { if(strcmp(c.regn,reg)==0) { flag=2; break; } } if(flag==0) { gotoxy(10,40);printf("This Registration No Not Found....Press Any Key"); getch(); fclose(f1); fclose(f2); } else if(flag==2) { gotoxy(5,16);printf("The Marks Of This Candidate Already Exist...."); getch(); } else if(flag==1) { fclose(f1); f1=fopen("c:\\student/result.dat","ab"); strcpy(d.regn,reg); gotoxy(5,8); printf("Enter Module 1 Marks :-");fflush(stdin);scanf("%d",&s1); gotoxy(5,10);printf("Enter Module 2 Marks :-");fflush(stdin);scanf("%d",&s2); gotoxy(5,12);printf("Enter Module 3 Marks :-");fflush(stdin);scanf("%d",&s3); gotoxy(5,14);printf("Enter Module 4 Marks :-");fflush(stdin);scanf("%d",&s4); t1=s1+s2+s3+s4; tot=t1/4; fflush(stdin); if(tot<50){g[0]='F';}else if(tot<55){g[0]='D';}else if(tot<64){g[0]='C';}else if(tot<75){g[0]='B';}else if(tot<85){g[0]='A';}else{g[0]='S';} gotoxy(5,16);printf("Total Marks Of Student :- %d",t1); gotoxy(5,17);printf("Grade Of The Student :- %s",g); d.m1 =s1;d.m2=s2;d.m3=s3;d.m4=s4;; fflush(stdin); strcpy(d.grade,g); fwrite(&d,size2,1,f1); fclose(f1); getch(); } form1(); }
# Function for Help Window:
void help(void) { char c; clrscr(); f1=fopen("c:\\student/help","rb"); if(f1==NULL) { printf("The Help Can Not Avilable Press Any Key To Continue.."); getch(); fclose(f1); form1(); } while ((c=getc(f1))!=EOF) { printf("%c",c); delay(4); if(c=='*') { gotoxy(30,40);printf("Press 0 to Exit Or Press Any Key To Continue.."); while(!kbhit()) { get_position(); if(mouse_button==1){clrscr();goto out;}else if(mouse_button2==2){ clrscr();goto point;} } if(getch()=='0'){break;}else{clrscr();} point: } } out: fclose(f1); form1(); }
# Function for List students:
void list(void) { m a; int i,j; i=4,j=0; clrscr(); f1=fopen("c:\\student/main.dat","rb"); gotoxy(1,2);printf(" Reg No. Student Name F_name Courese Date Of Add"); gotoxy(1,3);printf("|------------------------------------------------------------------------------|"); while(fread(&a,size1,1,f1)==1) { if(j%2==0){textbackground(4);}else{textbackground(1);;} gotoxy(2,i);cprintf(" "); gotoxy(1,i);cprintf("| %s",a.regn); gotoxy(10,i);cprintf("| %s",; gotoxy(30,i);cprintf("| %s",a.f_name); gotoxy(53,i);cprintf("| %s",a.course); gotoxy(67,i);cprintf("| %s",a.doa); gotoxy(80,i);cprintf("|"); fflush(stdin); j++; i++; textbackground(0); gotoxy(1,i);cprintf("|--------|-------------------|----------------------|-------------|------------|"); i++; if(i==50) { i=4; gotoxy(10,52);printf("Press any Key To Continue Or Press 0 zero to Exit"); while (!kbhit()) { get_position(); if (mouse_button==1) { clrscr(); gotoxy(1,2);printf(" Reg No. Student Name F_name Courese Date Of Add"); gotoxy(1,3);printf("|------------------------------------------------------------------------------|"); } else if(mouse_button2==2) { break; } } if(getch()=='0') { break; } else { clrscr(); gotoxy(1,2);printf(" Reg No. Student Name F_name Courese Date Of Add"); gotoxy(1,3);printf("|------------------------------------------------------------------------------|"); } } } getch(); fclose(f1); form1(); }
# Function for displaying marks of students:
void result(void) { r a; int i,j; i=4,j=0; clrscr(); f1=fopen("c:\\student/result.dat","rb"); gotoxy(1,1);printf("|---------------------------------------------------------------------------|"); gotoxy(1,2);printf("| Reg No. Module 1 Module 2 Module 3 Module 4 Total Grade |"); gotoxy(1,3);printf("|---------------------------------------------------------------------------|"); while(fread(&a,size2,1,f1)==1) { if(j%2==0){textbackground(4);}else{textbackground(1);;} gotoxy(2,i);cprintf(" "); gotoxy(1,i);printf("| %s",a.regn); gotoxy(10,i);printf("| %d",a.m1); gotoxy(20,i);printf("| %d",a.m2); gotoxy(33,i);printf("| %d",a.m3); gotoxy(45,i);printf("| %d",a.m4); gotoxy(56,i);printf("| %d",; gotoxy(65,i);printf("| %s",a.grade); gotoxy(77,i);printf("|"); i++; j++; textbackground(0); gotoxy(1,i);printf("|--------|---------|------------|-----------|----------|--------|-----------|"); i++; if(i==50) { i=4; gotoxy(10,52);printf("Press any Key To Continue Or Press 0 zero to Exit"); if(getch()=='0') { break; } else { clrscr(); gotoxy(1,2);printf(" Reg No. Student Name F_name Courese Date Of Add"); gotoxy(1,3);printf("|------------------------------------------------------------------------------|"); } } } fclose(f1); getch(); form1(); }
#Function for Load Mouse:
/* loads mouse driver in memory, if not already loaded */ load_mousedriver() { unsigned char far *ms ; /* convert the segment:offset address from IVT into a far pointer */ ms = MK_FP ( peek ( 0, 0x33 * 4 + 2 ), peek ( 0, 0x33 * 4 ) ) ; /* check if mouse driver isn't already loaded */ if ( ms == NULL || *ms == 0xcf ) system ( "wittyms -p2" ) ; return 0; } /* initialises the mouse driver */ reset_mouse() { union REGS i, o ; /* issue interrupt */ = 0 ; int86 ( 0x33, &i, &o ) ; /* if unable to reset mouse */ if ( == 0 ) { gotoxy ( 20, 15 ) ; printf ( "Mouse not available! Press any key..." ) ; fflush ( stdin ) ; getch() ; exit ( 2 ) ; } return 0; } /* displays the mouse pointer */ show_ptr() { union REGS i, o ; = 1 ; /* service number */ int86 ( 0x33, &i, &o ) ; /* issue interrupt */ return 0; } /* hides the mouse pointer */ hide_ptr() { union REGS i, o ; = 2 ; /* service number */ int86 ( 0x33, &i, &o ) ; /* issue interrupt */ return 0; } /* checks which icon is selected */ getresponse() { /* display the mouse pointer */ show_ptr() ; get_position(); return 0; } /* gets current coordinates of mouse pointer and status of mouse buttons */ get_position() { union REGS i, o ; = 3 ; /* service number */ int86 ( 0x33, &i, &o ) ; /* issue interrupt */ mx = ; /* x coordinate */ my = o.x.dx ; /* y coordinate */ mouse_button = o.x.bx & 1 ; /* store status of mouse buttons */ mouse_button2=o.x.bx & 2; return 0; }
# Full Project in together:
//========================== Including Header Files====================// #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> #include<string.h> #include<dos.h> #include<stdlib.h> #include<alloc.h> //============= Variable For Mouse x,y Coordinets, Buttons Value====// int mx, my, mouse_button,mouse_button2, maxx, maxy ; //----------------------- define structure for this project---------------// struct main { char regn[10],name[50],f_name[50],address[100],course[10],doa[10]; }; struct result { int m1,m2,m3,m4,total; char regn[10],grade[2]; }; struct link_main { char lmregn[10],lmname[50],lmf_name[50],lmaddress[100],lmcourse[10],lmdoa[10]; struct link_main *next; }; struct link_result // Define link list Structure for deleting or editing// { int lrm1,lrm2,lrm3,lrm4,lrtotal; // members// char lrregn[10],lrgrade[2]; // ,, // struct link_result *next; //linking address for next node// }; typedef struct main m; //Declear typedef of structure// typedef struct result r; typedef struct link_main lm; typedef struct link_result lr; long int size1=sizeof(m); //declear size of structure// long int size2=sizeof(r); FILE *f1,*f2; //declear file stream for opening files// //============== Define function Prototype for this project=========// void add(); // Function 1 for add a record// void edit(); // Function 2 for edit a record// void find(); // Function 3 for find a record from database// void delet(); // Function 4 for delete a recor from datanase// void marks(); // Function 5 for adding marks of students// void form1(void); // Function 6 For Display Front Page // void help(void); // Function 7 For Display Help File // void list (void); // Function 8 For Display All Student In List Format// void result(void); // Function 9 For Display All Result Of Student With Registration No. // //================== Main Function Starts Here===================/ void main() { char c; clrscr(); // Clearing The Screen // load_mousedriver(); // Loading Mouse Drivar// reset_mouse(); // Reseting Mouse On Screen // window(0,0,600,400); textmode(C4350); f1=fopen("c:\\student/main.dat","r"); // Open Main File In Read Mode // if (f1==NULL) // Checking database if avalible of not// { printf("Your data base not exit are you must create it prese any key to continue"); getch(); clrscr(); mkdir("c:\\student"); f2=fopen("c:\\student/main.dat","wb"); // Creating Main database for application// fclose(f2); f2=fopen("C:\\student//result.dat","wb"); // Creating Result Database For This Application // fclose(f2); fclose(f1); f1=fopen("c:\\student/help","wb"); f2=fopen("help","rb"); while(feof(f2)==0) //=== Writeing Help File==// { c=getc(f2); putc(c,f1); } printf("You must restart your application press any key to continue....."); getch(); _exit(0); // Exit From Application // } form1(); // Calling Function 6 // } //========================= Body Of Function 6 ====================// void form1(void) { struct time t; char c; // Declear Variable For This Function // int i,x1=28,x=55,y=1; // ,, // int flag=0; // ,, // input: // Point A Lable To Return Back Using Goto Statmetn // textcolor(2); textbackground(1); clrscr(); reset_mouse(); getresponse(); // Creating Menu For This Application // textcolor(4); textbackground(2); gotoxy(12,4); cprintf(" Choce any option "); gotoxy(5,5); cprintf(" \\-\\-\\-\\-\\-\\-\\-\\-\\-\\-\\-\\-\\-\\-\\-"); gotoxy(5,6); cprintf("|-----------------------------|"); gotoxy(5,7); cprintf("| Add a new student press 'A' |"); gotoxy(5,8); cprintf("| Edit a student press 'E' |"); gotoxy(5,9); cprintf("| Find a student press 'F' |"); gotoxy(5,10); cprintf("| Delete a student press 'D' |"); gotoxy(5,11); cprintf("| Enter marks 'M' |"); gotoxy(5,12); cprintf("| List All Student 'L' |"); gotoxy(5,13); cprintf("| List All Marks 'R' |"); gotoxy(5,14); cprintf("| Exit From Application '0' |"); gotoxy(5,15); cprintf("|-----------------------------|"); gotoxy(5,16); cprintf(" \\-\\-\\-\\-\\-\\-\\-\\-\\-\\-\\-\\-\\-\\-\\-"); while(!kbhit()) // Loop Untile User Press Any Key // { getresponse(); // Geting Mouse Position And It`s Button Value // if (mx>=31 && mx<=255 && my>=50&&my<=55&&mouse_button==1) { textbackground(0);textcolor(7); add(); } else if(mx>=31 && mx<=255 && my>=57&&my<=62&&mouse_button==1) { textbackground(0);textcolor(7); edit(); } else if(mx>=31 && mx<=255 && my>=65&&my<=71&&mouse_button==1) { textbackground(0);textcolor(7);find(); } else if(mx>=31 && mx<=255 && my>=73&&my<=77&&mouse_button==1) { textbackground(0);textcolor(7); delet(); } else if(mx>=31 && mx<=255 && my>=79&&my<=85&&mouse_button==1) { textbackground(0);textcolor(7); marks(); } else if(mx>=0 && mx<=700 && my>=0&&my<=500&&mouse_button2==2) { textbackground(0);textcolor(7); help(); } else if(mx>=31 && mx<=255 && my>=90&&my<=95&&mouse_button==1) { textbackground(0);textcolor(7); list(); } else if(mx>=31 && mx<=255 && my>=97&&my<=103&&mouse_button==1) { textbackground(0);textcolor(7); result(); } else if(mx>=31 && mx<=255 && my>=104&&my<=111&&mouse_button==1) { textbackground(0);textcolor(7); exit(0); } if(mx>=31&&mx<=255&& my>=50&& my<=55) { gotoxy(2,49);cprintf(" Click Here To Add A New Student"); } else if(mx>=31&&mx<=255&& my>=57&& my<=62) { gotoxy(2,49);cprintf(" Click Here To Edit A Student Profile"); } else if(mx>=31&&mx<=255&& my>=65&& my<=71) { gotoxy(2,49);cprintf(" Click Here To Find A Student"); } else if(mx>=31&&mx<=255&& my>=73&& my<=80) { gotoxy(2,49);cprintf(" Click Here To Delete A Student"); } else if(mx>=31&&mx<=255&& my>=82&& my<=88) { gotoxy(2,49);cprintf(" Click Here To Enter Marks OF A Student"); } else if(mx>=31&&mx<=255&& my>=90&& my<=95) { gotoxy(2,49);cprintf(" Click Here To List All Student Record..."); } else if(mx>=31&&mx<=255&& my>=97&& my<=103) { gotoxy(2,49);cprintf(" Click Here To List All Marks Of Student..."); } else if(mx>=31&&mx<=255&& my>=104&& my<=111) { gotoxy(2,49);cprintf(" Click Here To Exit From Application Or Press 0 zero.."); } else { gotoxy(2,49);cprintf(" "); gotoxy(2,49);cprintf(" Ready | Press Right Click To Get Help Information "); } delay(100); gettime(&t); //===== Getting Time For Desplay======// textbackground(4); //==== Change Text Background Color Red==// textcolor(7); // Change text fore color white // _setcursortype(_NOCURSOR); // No Blinks Cursor // gotoxy(28,1); cprintf(" "); gotoxy(28,y+1);cprintf(" STUDENT MANEGMENT SYSTEM "); //Title// gotoxy(28,y+2); cprintf(" "); gotoxy(x,y+1);cprintf(" "); // Scorlling Space Over Title// gotoxy(x1,y+1);cprintf(" "); // ,, // textcolor(6); textbackground(0); gotoxy(2,49);cprintf(" "); gotoxy(65,49);cprintf("TIME: %2d:%02d:%02d",t.ti_hour, t.ti_min, t.ti_sec);//Printing Time// if( flag==0){x=x-1;x1++;}else{x++;x1--;} if(x==28){flag=1;}if(x==55){ flag=0;} } _setcursortype(_NORMALCURSOR); // Blink Cursor// textbackground(0); textcolor(7); c=getch(); // Waiting For Any Option // switch(c) { case 'A': add(); break; case 'a': add(); break; case 'E': edit(); break; case 'e': edit(); break; case 'F': find(); break; case 'f': find(); break; case 'D': delet(); break; case 'd': delet(); break; case 'M': marks(); break; case 'm': marks(); break; case 'L': list(); break; case 'l': list(); break; case 'r': result();break; case 'R': result();break; case '0': exit(0); default: gotoxy(2,49);cprintf(" "); gotoxy(2,49); printf(" Sorry ...wrong key words"); getch(); } clrscr(); goto input; } //============================== End Of Function 6 ==================// //========================= Program For Adding A New Record==========// void add() { m a,b; int flag; flag=0; f1=fopen("c:\\student/main.dat","ab"); if(f1==NULL) { printf("File can not open an error occored press any key to continue..."); getch(); exit(0); } f2=fopen("C:\\student/main.dat","rb"); if(f2==NULL) { printf("File can not open.Make sure your database is correpted press any key to continue..."); getch(); exit(0); } clrscr(); gotoxy(30,3);printf("Form for new student"); gotoxy(30,4);printf("--------------------") ; gotoxy(5,6); printf("Enter Student Registration no:-");scanf("%s",&b.regn); while(fread(&a,size1,1,f2)==1) { if(strcmp(a.regn,b.regn)==0) flag=1; } if(flag==0) { gotoxy(5,8); printf("Enter Student Name :-");fflush(stdin);gets(; gotoxy(5,10);printf("Enter Ntudent Fathers Name :-");fflush(stdin);gets(b.f_name); gotoxy(5,12);printf("Enter Student Address :-");fflush(stdin);gets(b.address); gotoxy(5,14);printf("Enter Course name :-");fflush(stdin);gets(b.course); gotoxy(5,16);printf("Enter Date Of Admission :-");fflush(stdin);gets(b.doa); fwrite(&b,size1,1,f1); fclose(f1); fclose(f2); } else { gotoxy(5,16);printf("This Regestration Number Already Exist Press Any Key To Continue...."); getch(); } form1(); } void edit() { m a,b; // Declearing Structure Type Variable // r a1,b1; // ,, // lm *s,*p,*n; // Declearing Pointer Type Variable // lr *m,*w,*k; char reg[10],op; char newe[100]; int flag; s=p=n=NULL; flag=0; clrscr(); gotoxy(25,1);printf("-----------------------------------"); gotoxy(24,2);printf("| Edit Profile Of A Student |"); gotoxy(25,3);printf("-----------------------------------"); f1=fopen("c:\\student/main.dat","rb"); if (f1==NULL){printf("Databse not exist");getch();exit(0);} gotoxy(5,6);printf("| Enter Reg No Of Student :-");fflush(stdin);gets(reg); while(fread(&a,size1,1,f1)==1) { n=(lm*)malloc(sizeof(lm)); strcpy(n->lmregn,a.regn); strcpy(n->lmname,; strcpy(n->lmf_name,a.f_name); strcpy(n->lmaddress,a.address); strcpy(n->lmcourse,a.course); strcpy(n->lmdoa,a.doa); n->next=NULL; if (s==NULL) { s=n; } else { for(p=s;p->next!=NULL;p=p->next);p->next=n; } } fclose(f1); f1=fopen("c:\\student/main.dat","rb"); while(fread(&a,size1,1,f1)==1) { if(strcmp(a.regn,reg)==0) { gotoxy(5,5);printf("| |"); gotoxy(5,7);printf("| |"); gotoxy(5,8);printf("| |"); gotoxy(5,9);printf("| |"); gotoxy(5,10);printf("| |"); gotoxy(5,11);printf("| |"); gotoxy(5,4);printf("|-----------------------------Details------------------------------"); gotoxy(5,7);printf("| Student Name :- %s",; gotoxy(5,8);printf("| Student Father`s Name :- %s",a.f_name); gotoxy(5,9);printf("| Student Address :- %s",a.address); gotoxy(5,10);printf("| Course :- %s",a.course); gotoxy(5,11);printf("| Date of Addmission :- %s",a.doa); gotoxy(5,12);printf("|-----------------------------------------------------------------"); } else { // gotoxy(5,9);printf("Record Was Not Found"); } } gotoxy(5,13);printf("|--------------------------Choose Any Option----------------------"); gotoxy(5,15);printf("| Edit Name Press A |"); gotoxy(5,16);printf("| Edit Father Name Press B |"); gotoxy(5,17);printf("| Edit Address Press C |"); gotoxy(5,18);printf("| Edit Course Press D |"); gotoxy(5,19);printf("| Edit Date Of Add Press E |"); gotoxy(5,20);printf("|-----------------------------------------------------------------|"); gotoxy(40,19);printf(" | Type your option:- "); fflush(stdin);scanf("%c",&op); for(p=s;p!=NULL;p=p->next) { if(strcmp(p->lmregn,reg)==0) { if (op=='A'||op=='a') { gotoxy(5,22);printf("Enter New Name :-");fflush(stdin);gets(newe); strcpy(p->lmname,newe); flag=0; break; } else if(op=='b'||op=='B') { gotoxy(5,22);printf("Enter New Father Name :-");fflush(stdin);gets(newe); strcpy(p->lmf_name,newe); flag=0; break; } else if(op=='c'||op=='C') { gotoxy(5,22);printf("Enter New Address :-");fflush(stdin);gets(newe); strcpy(p->lmaddress,newe); flag=0; break; } else if(op=='d'||op=='D') { gotoxy(5,22);printf("Enter New Course :-");fflush(stdin);gets(newe); strcpy(p->lmcourse,newe); flag=0; break; } else if (op=='e'||op=='E') { gotoxy(5,22);printf("Enter New Date of Addmission :-");fflush(stdin);gets(newe); strcpy(p->lmdoa,newe); flag=0; break; } else { flag=2; break; } } else { flag=1; } } if(flag==1) { for(p=s;p!=NULL;p=p->next) { free(p); } gotoxy(20,25);printf("The Record was not found press any key to continue..");getch(); } else if(flag==2) { for(p=s;p!=NULL;p=p->next) { free(p); } gotoxy(20,25);printf("You have enter wrong option press any key to continue ..");getch(); } else { f2=fopen("c:\\student/main.dat","wb"); for(p=s;p!=NULL;p=p->next) { strcpy(b.regn,p->lmregn); strcpy(,p->lmname); strcpy(b.f_name,p->lmf_name); strcpy(b.address,p->lmaddress); strcpy(b.course,p->lmcourse); strcpy(b.doa,p->lmdoa); fwrite(&b,size1,1,f2); free(p); } fclose(f2); } getch(); form1(); } void find() { int flag=0; char rn[10]; m b; r c; clrscr(); gotoxy(5,6);printf("Enter Registration No ");fflush(stdin);scanf("%s",&rn);fflush(stdin); f1=fopen("c:\\student/main.dat","rb"); while(fread(&b,size1,1,f1)==1) { if(strcmp(b.regn,rn)==0) { flag=0; clrscr(); gotoxy(30,2);printf("|-------------------|"); gotoxy(30,3);printf("| Student Details |"); gotoxy(30,4);printf("|-------------------|") ; gotoxy(5,6); printf("Student Registration no :-%s",b.regn); gotoxy(5,8); printf("Student Name :-%s",; gotoxy(5,10);printf("Student Fathers Name :-%s",b.f_name); gotoxy(5,12);printf("Student Address :-%s",b.address); gotoxy(5,14);printf("Course name :-%s",b.course); gotoxy(5,16);printf("Date Of Admission :-%s",b.doa); break; } else { flag=1; } } fclose(f1); f2=fopen("c:\\student/result.dat","rb"); while (fread(&c,size2,1,f2)==1) { if(strcmp(c.regn,rn)==0) { gotoxy(1,17);printf("|----------------------------------------------------------|"); gotoxy(1,16);printf(" M1 Marks M2 Marks M3 Marks M4 Marks "); gotoxy(1,18);printf("| %d",c.m1); gotoxy(16,18);printf("| %d",c.m2); gotoxy(32,18);printf("| %d",c.m3); gotoxy(48,18);printf("| %d",c.m4); gotoxy(1,19);printf("|----------------------------------------------------------|"); gotoxy(5,21);printf("TOTAL MARKS:-%d",; fflush(stdin); gotoxy(25,21);printf("GRADE:-%s",c.grade); fclose(f2); getch(); break; } else { flag=2; } } fclose(f1); if(flag==1) { gotoxy(5,16);printf("This Record Is Not Fond Press Any Key To Continue.."); getch(); } else if(flag==2) { gotoxy(5,16);printf("Marks Of This Student Not Found Any Key To Continue.."); getch(); } } void delet() { m a,b; r c,d; lm *s,*p,*n; lr *m,*t,*k; char reg[10],op; char newe[100]; int flag,flag1; s=p=n=NULL; m=t=k=NULL; flag=flag1=0; clrscr(); gotoxy(25,1);printf("-----------------------------------"); gotoxy(24,2);printf("| Deleting Of A Student Profile |"); gotoxy(25,3);printf("-----------------------------------"); f1=fopen("c:\\student/main.dat","rb"); if (f1==NULL){printf("Databse not exist");getch();exit(0);} gotoxy(5,6);printf("| Enter Reg No Of Student :-");fflush(stdin);scanf("%s",®); while(fread(&a,size1,1,f1)==1) { n=(lm*)malloc(sizeof(lm)); strcpy(n->lmregn,a.regn); strcpy(n->lmname,; strcpy(n->lmf_name,a.f_name); strcpy(n->lmaddress,a.address); strcpy(n->lmcourse,a.course); strcpy(n->lmdoa,a.doa); n->next=NULL; if (s==NULL) { s=n; } else { for(p=s;p->next!=NULL;p=p->next);p->next=n; } } fclose(f1); f2=fopen("c:\\student/result.dat","rb"); while(fread(&c,size2,1,f2)==1) { k=(lr*)malloc(sizeof(lr)); strcpy(k->lrregn,c.regn); k->lrm1=c.m1; k->lrm2=c.m2; k->lrm3=c.m3; k->lrm4=c.m4; k->; strcpy(k->lrgrade,c.grade); k->next=NULL; if (m==NULL) { m=k; } else { for(t=m;t->next!=NULL;t=t->next);t->next=k; } } fclose(f2); f1=fopen("c:\\student/main.dat","rb"); while(fread(&a,size1,1,f1)==1) { if(strcmp(a.regn,reg)==0) { flag=0; gotoxy(5,5);printf("| |"); gotoxy(5,7);printf("| |"); gotoxy(5,8);printf("| |"); gotoxy(5,9);printf("| |"); gotoxy(5,10);printf("| |"); gotoxy(5,11);printf("| |"); gotoxy(5,4);printf("|-----------------------------Details-----------------------------|"); gotoxy(5,7);printf("| Student Name :- %s",; gotoxy(5,8);printf("| Student Father`s Name :- %s",a.f_name); gotoxy(5,9);printf("| Student Address :- %s",a.address); gotoxy(5,10);printf("| Course :- %s",a.course); gotoxy(5,11);printf("| Date of Addmission :- %s",a.doa); gotoxy(5,12);printf("|-----------------------------------------------------------------|"); break; } else { flag=2; } } fclose(f1); f2=fopen("c:\\student/result.dat","rb"); while (fread(&c,size2,1,f2)==1) { if(strcmp(c.regn,reg)==0) { flag1=0; gotoxy(5,17);printf("|----------------------------------------------------------|"); gotoxy(5,16);printf(" M1 Marks M2 Marks M3 Marks M4 Marks "); gotoxy(5,18);printf("| %d",c.m1); gotoxy(21,18);printf("| %d",c.m2); gotoxy(37,18);printf("| %d",c.m3); gotoxy(53,18);printf("| %d |",c.m4); gotoxy(5,19);printf("|----------------------------------------------------------|"); gotoxy(5,21);printf("TOTAL MARKS:-%d",; fflush(stdin); gotoxy(25,21);printf("GRADE:-%s",c.grade); fclose(f2); break; } else { flag1=2; } } fclose(f2); if (flag==2){gotoxy(10,30);printf("This Ren No Not Found Press Any Key To Continue");getch();goto end;} if (flag1==1){gotoxy(5,21);printf("The Marks Of This Student Not Exist");} gotoxy(5,23);printf("Are You Sure Delete This Record?(Y/N)");fflush(stdin);op=getch(); if (op=='Y'||op=='y') { if(strcmp(s->lmregn,reg)==0) { flag=1; n=s->next; free(s); s=n; } else { for (p=s;p->next!=NULL;p=p->next) { if(strcmp(p->lmregn,reg)==0) { flag=1; n=p->next->next; free(p->next); p->next=n; } } } if(strcmp(m->lrregn,reg)==0) { flag1=1; k=m->next; free(m); m=k; } else { for (t=m;t->next!=NULL;t=t->next) { if(strcmp(t->lrregn,reg)==0) { flag1=1; k=t->next->next; free(t->next); t->next=k; } } } } else { gotoxy(10,30);printf("Record Was Not Deleted");getch(); } if (flag==1) { f2=fopen("c:\\student/main.dat","wb"); for(p=s;p!=NULL;p=p->next) { strcpy(b.regn,p->lmregn); strcpy(,p->lmname); strcpy(b.f_name,p->lmf_name); strcpy(b.address,p->lmaddress); strcpy(b.course,p->lmcourse); strcpy(b.doa,p->lmdoa); fwrite(&b,size1,1,f2); free(p); } fclose(f2); } else { for(p=s;p!=NULL;p=p->next) { free(p); } } if (flag1==1) { fclose(f2); f2=fopen("c:\\student/result.dat","wb"); for(t=m;t!=NULL;t=t->next) { strcpy(d.regn,t->lrregn); d.m1=t->lrm1; d.m2=t->lrm2; d.m3=t->lrm3; d.m4=t->lrm4;>lrtotal; strcpy(d.grade,t->lrgrade); fwrite(&d,size2,1,f2); free(t); } fclose(f2); } else { for(t=m;t!=NULL;t=t->next) { free(t); } } end: form1(); } void marks() { m a,b; r c,d; int flag,tot,s1,s2,s3,s4,t1; char reg[10],g[2]; flag=0; tot=s1=s2=s3=s4=t1=0; f1=fopen("c:\\student/result.dat","rb"); if(f1==NULL) { printf("File can not open an error occored press any key to continue..."); getch(); fclose(f1); exit(0); } f2=fopen("C:\\student/main.dat","rb"); if(f2==NULL) { printf("File can not open.Make sure your database is correpted press any key to continue..."); getch(); fclose(f1); exit(0); } clrscr(); gotoxy(20,3);printf("Form for Marks Entry Of A Student"); gotoxy(20,4);printf("---------------------------------") ; gotoxy(5,6); printf("Enter Student Registration no:-");fflush(stdin);gets(reg); while(fread(&a,size1,1,f2)==1) { if(strcmp(a.regn,reg)==0) { flag=1; break; } } while(fread(&c,size2,1,f1)==1) { if(strcmp(c.regn,reg)==0) { flag=2; break; } } if(flag==0) { gotoxy(10,40);printf("This Registration No Not Found....Press Any Key"); getch(); fclose(f1); fclose(f2); } else if(flag==2) { gotoxy(5,16);printf("The Marks Of This Candidate Already Exist...."); getch(); } else if(flag==1) { fclose(f1); f1=fopen("c:\\student/result.dat","ab"); strcpy(d.regn,reg); gotoxy(5,8); printf("Enter Module 1 Marks :-");fflush(stdin);scanf("%d",&s1); gotoxy(5,10);printf("Enter Module 2 Marks :-");fflush(stdin);scanf("%d",&s2); gotoxy(5,12);printf("Enter Module 3 Marks :-");fflush(stdin);scanf("%d",&s3); gotoxy(5,14);printf("Enter Module 4 Marks :-");fflush(stdin);scanf("%d",&s4); t1=s1+s2+s3+s4; tot=t1/4; fflush(stdin); if(tot<50){g[0]='F';}else if(tot<55){g[0]='D';}else if(tot<64){g[0]='C';}else if(tot<75){g[0]='B';}else if(tot<85){g[0]='A';}else{g[0]='S';} gotoxy(5,16);printf("Total Marks Of Student :- %d",t1); gotoxy(5,17);printf("Grade Of The Student :- %s",g); d.m1 =s1;d.m2=s2;d.m3=s3;d.m4=s4;; fflush(stdin); strcpy(d.grade,g); fwrite(&d,size2,1,f1); fclose(f1); getch(); } form1(); } void help(void) { char c; clrscr(); f1=fopen("c:\\student/help","rb"); if(f1==NULL) { printf("The Help Can Not Avilable Press Any Key To Continue.."); getch(); fclose(f1); form1(); } while ((c=getc(f1))!=EOF) { printf("%c",c); delay(4); if(c=='*') { gotoxy(30,40);printf("Press 0 to Exit Or Press Any Key To Continue.."); while(!kbhit()) { get_position(); if(mouse_button==1){clrscr();goto out;}else if(mouse_button2==2){ clrscr();goto point;} } if(getch()=='0'){break;}else{clrscr();} point: } } out: fclose(f1); form1(); } void list(void) { m a; int i,j; i=4,j=0; clrscr(); f1=fopen("c:\\student/main.dat","rb"); gotoxy(1,2);printf(" Reg No. Student Name F_name Courese Date Of Add"); gotoxy(1,3);printf("|------------------------------------------------------------------------------|"); while(fread(&a,size1,1,f1)==1) { if(j%2==0){textbackground(4);}else{textbackground(1);;} gotoxy(2,i);cprintf(" "); gotoxy(1,i);cprintf("| %s",a.regn); gotoxy(10,i);cprintf("| %s",; gotoxy(30,i);cprintf("| %s",a.f_name); gotoxy(53,i);cprintf("| %s",a.course); gotoxy(67,i);cprintf("| %s",a.doa); gotoxy(80,i);cprintf("|"); fflush(stdin); j++; i++; textbackground(0); gotoxy(1,i);cprintf("|--------|-------------------|----------------------|-------------|------------|"); i++; if(i==50) { i=4; gotoxy(10,52);printf("Press any Key To Continue Or Press 0 zero to Exit"); while (!kbhit()) { get_position(); if (mouse_button==1) { clrscr(); gotoxy(1,2);printf(" Reg No. Student Name F_name Courese Date Of Add"); gotoxy(1,3);printf("|------------------------------------------------------------------------------|"); } else if(mouse_button2==2) { break; } } if(getch()=='0') { break; } else { clrscr(); gotoxy(1,2);printf(" Reg No. Student Name F_name Courese Date Of Add"); gotoxy(1,3);printf("|------------------------------------------------------------------------------|"); } } } getch(); fclose(f1); form1(); } void result(void) { r a; int i,j; i=4,j=0; clrscr(); f1=fopen("c:\\student/result.dat","rb"); gotoxy(1,1);printf("|---------------------------------------------------------------------------|"); gotoxy(1,2);printf("| Reg No. Module 1 Module 2 Module 3 Module 4 Total Grade |"); gotoxy(1,3);printf("|---------------------------------------------------------------------------|"); while(fread(&a,size2,1,f1)==1) { if(j%2==0){textbackground(4);}else{textbackground(1);;} gotoxy(2,i);cprintf(" "); gotoxy(1,i);printf("| %s",a.regn); gotoxy(10,i);printf("| %d",a.m1); gotoxy(20,i);printf("| %d",a.m2); gotoxy(33,i);printf("| %d",a.m3); gotoxy(45,i);printf("| %d",a.m4); gotoxy(56,i);printf("| %d",; gotoxy(65,i);printf("| %s",a.grade); gotoxy(77,i);printf("|"); i++; j++; textbackground(0); gotoxy(1,i);printf("|--------|---------|------------|-----------|----------|--------|-----------|"); i++; if(i==50) { i=4; gotoxy(10,52);printf("Press any Key To Continue Or Press 0 zero to Exit"); if(getch()=='0') { break; } else { clrscr(); gotoxy(1,2);printf(" Reg No. Student Name F_name Courese Date Of Add"); gotoxy(1,3);printf("|------------------------------------------------------------------------------|"); } } } fclose(f1); getch(); form1(); } /* loads mouse driver in memory, if not already loaded */ load_mousedriver() { unsigned char far *ms ; /* convert the segment:offset address from IVT into a far pointer */ ms = MK_FP ( peek ( 0, 0x33 * 4 + 2 ), peek ( 0, 0x33 * 4 ) ) ; /* check if mouse driver isn't already loaded */ if ( ms == NULL || *ms == 0xcf ) system ( "wittyms -p2" ) ; return 0; } /* initialises the mouse driver */ reset_mouse() { union REGS i, o ; /* issue interrupt */ = 0 ; int86 ( 0x33, &i, &o ) ; /* if unable to reset mouse */ if ( == 0 ) { gotoxy ( 20, 15 ) ; printf ( "Mouse not available! Press any key..." ) ; fflush ( stdin ) ; getch() ; exit ( 2 ) ; } return 0; } /* displays the mouse pointer */ show_ptr() { union REGS i, o ; = 1 ; /* service number */ int86 ( 0x33, &i, &o ) ; /* issue interrupt */ return 0; } /* hides the mouse pointer */ hide_ptr() { union REGS i, o ; = 2 ; /* service number */ int86 ( 0x33, &i, &o ) ; /* issue interrupt */ return 0; } /* checks which icon is selected */ getresponse() { /* display the mouse pointer */ show_ptr() ; get_position(); return 0; } /* gets current coordinates of mouse pointer and status of mouse buttons */ get_position() { union REGS i, o ; = 3 ; /* service number */ int86 ( 0x33, &i, &o ) ; /* issue interrupt */ mx = ; /* x coordinate */ my = o.x.dx ; /* y coordinate */ mouse_button = o.x.bx & 1 ; /* store status of mouse buttons */ mouse_button2=o.x.bx & 2; return 0; }
Subroto Mondal
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